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-27. September 2016-
A reception in Brussels is an important opportunity to manifest actions and align messages. 

The EHHA attended the reception hosted by Claudia Tarpadel MEP, a member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism in the European Parliament in Brussels. EHHA had a great opportunity to network and meet the most influent stakeholders in the Parliament.

As you read this, as we go about our daily work, our business – our industry – is being shaped and formed by decisions being made in the EU, in the various countries within the EU, and in the committees and back rooms of our city and regional governments. We cannot afford to let this happen without us. The EHHA is determined to be a part of what goes on.

Time and again, we hear about the need for a “level playing field”. That is supposedly what Europe is all about. That is a good part of the European project. The short-term rental industry demands a fair playing field. And we are only going to get it if the politicians understands the impact of short-term rental. We are making it clear why we matter, what our industry contributes to the economies of Europe and to the convenience and comfort of our citizens.

Part of telling that story means attending meeting and gather at the General Assembly. Part of it involves formal communications and reports, which is why we are working to improve the flow of data to Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office. And part of telling the story is simply being present, which is why we are determined to cooperate and collaborate with the European Commission to find and fight for mutual benefit.

Elżbieta Bieńkowska, the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs – Europe’s minister for regulation that effect EHHA – was also at that reception in Brussels, where she delivered a speech about the need to positively address the sharing economy in tourism ans specially the short-term rental industry. This, she said, is her first priority. And we are there to help her.